Seniority is not a candy cane!

As managers and executives in Software Development, one of our primary challenges is building and retaining high-performing development teams. As demand for software developers increases every year, this challenge is becoming immensely difficult to tackle.

Companies are giving away ‘Senior’ titles abundantly like a candy cane and promoting their developers to senior roles hoping that they will take on more responsibility and lead their teams to success.

Sailing on OKR Ocean: Do not be afraid to tack!

At the end of 2019, we decided to implement OKRs at our company.  At the end of 2020, we started to change the way we set and manage OKRs. So, what went wrong?  In OKR limbo, nothing! Implementing an effective OKR process that has a company-wide buy-in and allows our entire organization to align towards …

Supply Chain Digital Transformation in the Age of AI

There is a riddle I asked my kids when they were little. Although there are multiple variations of this riddle such as two paths, two doors, two houses, two guards, or two sisters, the idea is always the same. Finding the right path! My version of this riddle goes like this; “You are lost in an …

Virgo in Supply Chain, Milk in Coffee

I do not believe in horoscopes, but people tell me that my sign has everything to do with many of my quirks, such as ordering, organizing, and following routines. Putting things in order is my natural tendency. Organizing or clustering drawers, shelves, libraries, or desktops, whether digital or not, is like a second nature to …

Software as a Service, Cloud Computing and Pizza Margherita

I love a good pizza. I am not a big fan of deep dish Chicago style, or California style with weird ingredients. My favorite pizza is the father of all pizzas, properly baked, Pizza Margherita with thin crust, fresh basil, tomato and mozzarella. It is a Neapolitan gem and adorned in the colors of the Italian …

The Supply Chain Red Pill: How Machine Learning Can Transform Your Supply Chain

As I was growing up, one of my most recurrent dreams (other than being invisible), was to plant a chip in my brain to load every piece of information I found interesting. In fact, when the first Matrix** movie came out, it had everything I dreamed of and more. Too bad I wasn’t a scenarist …