Unilever Automates Demand Planning with Solvoyo

23K Active SKUs
4 Data Source
8K+ Products​
40+ Channels
4000+ SKUs


Unilever, a British multinational consumer goods company, is a global giant in the realm of everyday essentials, spanning over 190 countries and employing a diverse workforce of 127,000 individuals. Its intricate supply chain, meticulously crafted over decades of operation, forms the backbone of its success, ensuring seamless delivery of its renowned brands such as Dove, Ben & Jerry’s, and Lifebuoy to every corner of the globe. With brands used by over 3.4 billion people daily, Unilever’s impact on the global consumer market is undeniable.


Automated forecasting with little to no human intervention

Streamline the demand planning process with a user-friendly UI that provides a single, comprehensive platform for managing all aspects of demand forecasting.

Eliminate manual effort and ensure continuous accuracy with automated diagnostics and parameter updates. Identify potential issues early on and automatically adjust forecasting parameters based on the latest data, ensuring consistently reliable forecasts.


Lack of visibility and simultaneous access for multiple users to foster collaboration

Diverse category portfolios, transitions and rapidly changing market conditions, hindering agility and proactive action



  • Consolidated demand planning efforts into a single, centralized platform, eliminating silos and ensuring consistency across the organization.
  • Gained real-time insights into demand trends, enabling faster and more informed decision-making.
  • Leveraged advanced forecasting rules to seamlessly adjust manual edits, bridging the gap between forecast generation and planning.
  • Handled aggregation/disaggregation seamlessly within the same platform, ensuring consistency between tactical and operational decisions.
  • Automated daily forecasting tasks, eliminating manual intervention and freeing up valuable resources for strategic planning.


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