In addition to this super intriguing Blog and a host of other marketing efforts we work hard to keep up with the latest industry trends and knowledge share at wonderful events such as the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals Annual Global Conference. This year the event was held in sunny San Antonio.
The River Walk, Alamo and Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center remain as I remember them from when I left the area in 2000. I guess you stick with what works when it comes to tourism. 🙂
What’s new and refreshing from my perspective are the innovations in Supply Chain Management powered by Cloud Computing. There is a lot of discussion concerning use of the Cloud and in many cases the representation is actually a hosted solution over the Internet. While hosted solutions serve a purpose, they are not truly Cloud implementations.
The Cloud Alliance (refer to the MODEX special edition of this Blog series for more detail on the Alliance) had the opportunity to share a detailed description of the current and future state of End-to-End SCM in the Cloud. Applications developed using the latest database and distributed multi-thread code architecture take full advantage of the flexibility, scale and power of the Cloud.
Further integrating strategic, tactical and operational planning with easy to use execution systems maximizes the total value of a Cloud solution. The Cloud Alliance was represented by Mark Nix of Cloud Logistics (TMS), Diego Pantoja-Navajas of LogFire (WMS) and Wayne of Wayne’s wORld (Solvoyo Planning Optimization). The panel was very interactive and lively. The feedback was refreshing and motivating. Back at the exhibition floor the term Three Amigos started to catch on. It seems when you show unbridled passion for making the world a better place it can be contagious!
Leading professionals in our industry are seeking easy-to-implement solutions that deliver business value in both the short and long term. Full visibility with a customizable user interface ensures enterprise-wide buy-in and broad support. Delivering complex customer solutions such as omni-channel fulfillment enables growth through best in class customer service.
Cloud-based applications remove hardware and software limits and are the force behind step-level growth and improvements. I know I’m using pop-movie culture references quite liberally but what can be more fun than hanging with the Three Amigos in Wayne’s basement? Lorne Michaels would certainly approve of the cast!
5 Retail Supply Chain Technology Trends in 2025
2025 is poised to be a transformative year for retail supply chains, driven by technological innovation, heightened resilience, and a stronger push for sustainability. What